Publisher: Ondevan
Needed by August 12th 2019
400-600 word article about why roadtripping in a campervan to vast Florida Springs across the state. Specially mention:
Ginnie Springs
Manatee springs
Three Sisters Springs
Weeki Wachee Springs
Ichetucknee Springs
any other you think it is important to mention
Include in the first 150 words of text words like “ springs, outdoors, nature, peace, experience, fun, adventure, campervans for rent, campervan rental, campervan hire, road trip florida, small campervans, #vanlife, camping in florida, roadtrippin, fully converted vans, fully equipped campervans.”
The brand offers fully-stocked and custom-built camper vans for hire in Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Orlando, Florida. Perfect for your roadtrip adventures! Facebook page
The Publisher is open to byline credit.
Please submit to IA on an ongoing basis. You will be notified if this request closes. Any questions should be posted as comments here.