Bree Daddy: recent grad, entreprenHER, DJ, model and Miamian.

Late nights in Miami. Catch her sleeping? Only if its actual sleep. Never with work, her business, or relationships. This female is woke 🙌🏽! On top of her game. I’m talking about 22-year-old Brianna Flemings, also known as @breedaddy__. This multi-talented Miamian rests about 7 hours on average every 24 hours. The other 17 are spent like any other entrepreneuring influencer headed towards the top. Perfecting the art of the balancing act.
Bree showed up to mi casa at 9:30pm. She was on time for our appointment. So rare in Miami. Her curls piled on the top of her head in a loose bun. She smiled at me, we hugged and laughed. After saying no to tea, and yes to water, she sat down with me for a couch conversation.
“I’ve never been average.”
Working, family, working out, dating, working. With so much to do, Bree Daddy is keenly aware of the value of time. But working to achieve goals has always been a part of her. “I’ve never been average.” As kid, she sold actual paper on the streets, 😎 and since basketball was her passion, she found a niche in sneaker sales. Imagine that, a high schooler, turning larger margins from her side hustle than her job at Cinnabun.
Today she still works a day job, and up until recently was going to school full time as well. She graduated with a degree in computer science, and a minor in marketing this May. While pursuing her education she found time to build and launch the mobile app Vybez. How does she do it all? One of her tricks is bartering with other creatives. While accumulating brands for her website design business she realized that clients her age not only didn’t have money to pay for work, they flat out didn’t want to. Instead, she traded services with that clientele. She’s a model with influence so videographers and photographers love to work with her. People may not have the cash, but they have skills.
“Knowledge means everything.”

Those skills have value to her. Money isn’t the only thing Bree is after. She loves to learn new things. “Knowledge means everything.” Music is another passion. To some, she is known as “DJ Bree Daddy” and has regular gigs doing that as well.
She also wants to motivate young people, and she sees technology as an avenue to do so. Her first book Think Outside the Box will be available in “eformat”. She’s the type of woman that has to wipe the dust off her laptop. A true snake person. It’s something we have in common. The belief that in the future everything will be done on a mobile device and that your phone will project holograms.
“People doubt you when they see greatness.”
We both laugh at the idea. I went on to ask her about some of her challenges. Of course, she has haters. “People doubt you when they see greatness.” She also fights for time with her family. Luckily they understand that personal sacrifices are what it will take for them to live a non-average life. I pause, wondering if I should tell her she’s already living that. But I don’t, I’m too excited to see what she does next.
Want more from my interview with Bree? Click here. Make sure to follow @mdorsettnow and@tropicult on Instagram for live streams of all my Couch Conversations. Up next I sit down with Olivia, bass player from Dubbeez.
This article originally was published on and was posted here with permission.